“Now set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God. Arise and build…”
1 Chronicles 22:19
Dear Church family,
It is exciting to be a part of Palmetto Baptist Church! I hope you feel as encouraged as I do each time I am with others who call PBC home. As we look at the past, we can see how God was at work in many of our lives and in our community through the ministry and influence of the church. When we take a look at where we are presently, it is clear that you and I are seeing a moving of God in our midst. We are growing deeper spiritually by spending time in the Word of God, more motivated by bold teaching of the Gospel, broader by providing more and more ways to serve locally and abroad, and larger in number because families are finding this to be a place that they trust.
As we move forward together, I want you to know that “God has already seen fit for us to grow.” Let’s pull together, dream big, and give generously. Remember we are building His Kingdom, not our castle.
Serving Him by Serving You,
Pastor Lee Brewer
Our mission is to bring people into the family of God and make disciples.This will never change. It’s the command that Jesus gave in Matthew 28:19,
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”
Our mission is not a building, it’s a body. The body of believers that we call the church. It’s reaching the lost, building disciples, and equipping the saints to love and serve in name of Jesus. We delight in seeing more and more people come to faith in Jesus and hearing testimonies of transformed lives.
It is part of our mission to ensure we have the space to raise the next generation to know and love God as we know and love Him. We are tasked to reach as many as we can with the Gospel. Let’s make room for all to come to Jesus and grow with Jesus.
We are planning on a total expansion of 11,800 square feet that will provide room to grow for our preschoolers and kids up through 5th grade.
Included is a multipurpose room that seats 140, a nursery with a nursing mom’s room, classrooms up to 470 square feet each, as well as storage and a new playground. In addition to meeting preschool and children’s needs, there will also be four adult classrooms.
Our current building will also undergo a renovation to expand the lobby and introduce a new check-in location for our families as we drop off our kids to have fun and learn about Jesus.
This new chapter in our history will give us the room for growth that we need to do all that God has called us to do.
We know we have major needs in our Children’s Ministry. We’re out of room. I think we all know that we need to invest into our kids.
We’ve already seen the impact. Over the last two years, we’ve had more baptisms and more salvations than any time that I can remember in my history with the church. Because of this, I look at [sacrificial giving] as an investment. We invest in stocks or bonds or real estate or our families or whatever else it may be. This is bigger. This is investing in something beyond your family. It’s investing in the kingdom of God. We are not only doing this for our own benefit. We’re doing it so that others can ultimately know what we have. A life changing relationship with Christ. We must invest in something bigger than ourselves.
[This campaign] isn’t about giving to a building. I think it’s about giving faithfully. It’s about giving with your heart instead of your mind or your wallet. Through that, God’s going to do amazing things.
And so it’s really just a step in faith. You commit to something, you pray about it, and you really just trust that God is going to bless, not only you, but the church, the community and the world. Sacrificial giving means you’re going above and beyond what you’re called to do. You have to make some changes in your life. God’s going to bless if you do it with the right heart.
What excites us the most at PBC is that the Children’s Ministry is amazing.
We don’t have to worry because we know that what they’re learning is biblical, and our kids are excited to be here.
[When it comes to this capital campaign], we think we will need to trust that God will provide. Our church has come a long way. And our faith has grown with that. Now it’s time for us to take the next step and trust that God’s going to lead us in the right direction.
It will need to be all hands on deck and we think it’s going to be exciting!
It is an effort to raise money for a specific project. For Christians, it is an exercise of faithfulness, obedience, and generosity in which we get to contribute towards a great vision that allows God to do more through us. By giving sacrificially, we are trusting in God to provide for me, provide through me, with a result of others coming to know Him as Savior.
Our campaign goal is $5,000,000
We are asking that you consider giving generously and sacrificially over the next 3 years.
No. We believe we should be tithing 10% of our income to the local church’s general budget in order to do ministry well. We do not want any ministry to suffer or lack because of a vision for future expansion. Giving to the campaign should be above and beyond your tithe.
You can give money in person or through the give page on our website. If you would like to give other assets such as stocks, houses, cars, land, collectables, or any other item(s) of value, please email jacksons@
There are several practical reasons and several spiritual reasons. First, we cannot move forward unless we know what our church is willing to give over the next 3 years. Second, this information will allow us to move forward at the right time in securing loans, adjusting plans, and supply our ministries with the right resources. Third, it is an opportunity for our church to encourage each other by letting us know that we are in this together. Fourth, it is a chance to grow spiritually by committing to the Lord an amount that is not our of convenience but out of dedication. Through this pledge we can hold ourselves and each other accountable.
Of course! We are all making the best commitment that we feel God is leading us to. Some will need to pull back on their commitment based on unforeseen circumstances while others will be able to grow spiritually and financially in a way that allows them a desire and ability to pledge more.
We believe we are called to be faithful to give in times of abundance and when times are tight. It’s ultimately about faithfulness and obedience. All we have is given by the Lord and should be dedicated to the Lord. We believe there is a place for small gifts and large gifts. Even in the Bible Jesus praises a woman who only gave two coins. It was all she had to give and Jesus said, “this poor widow has put in more than anyone.” We give to please the Lord and it’s up to us to be faithful in any and every season