Small Groups

Big Things Happen In Small Groups

Small groups are a great way to get connected to the heart of PBC. These groups foster community, spiritual growth through Bible Study, and this best way to dive deeper and make new friendships. Our study groups are On and Off-Campus groups. Off-Campus groups happen in Host Homes and On-Campus will be held at the church Sunday at 10:00 am and Wednesday at 6 pm.

Need Help Finding A Group?

Bill Parker – Off Campus Director

Claiborne James – On Campus Director

On Campus Groups

The BYKOTA class is a great place for adults, especially those who have kids and teens. We meet Sundays at 10am in Bay 2 of the Fellowship Hall on the 1st floor.

Kenny and Carmel Thompson / [email protected]

The Disciples of Christ class is a great place for empty nesters to build friendship and community while learning the Bible. We meet Sundays at 10am in room 203 on the 2nd floor.

Randy Blanchard / [email protected]

Come fellowship and grow in your faith with men ages 18+. We meet Wednesdays at 6pm in room 208 on the 2nd floor.

Greg Cox / [email protected]

The Open Arms class is a great place for mature believers to learn the Bible and support each other on their journey of life. We meet Sundays at 10am in Bay 1 of the Fellowship Hall on the 1st floor.

Virginia Munn / [email protected]

The Open Door class is a great place for mature believers to learn the Bible and support each other on their journey of life. We meet Sundays at 10am in room 208 on the 2nd floor.

Team Teaching

The Seed Sowers class is for adults who are looking for a group that is focused on the Bible with an equal opportunity to serve. We meet Sundays at 10am in room 204 on the 2nd floor.

Vernon Smith / [email protected]

The Vera Smith class is a welcoming place for mature adults who love building relationships. We meet. Sundays at 10am in room 206 on the 2nd floor.

Lee and Carol Cunningham / [email protected]

The What’s Next class is perfect for adults who are in a stage of life where their kids are getting close or have recently left home. We meet Sundays at 10am in room 207 on the 2nd floor.

Kenneth & Tammye Brown / [email protected]

Come fellowship and grow in your faith with women ages 18+. We meet Wednesdays at 6pm in room 216 on the 2nd floor (mothers focused study) and room 203 on the 2nd floor (general Bible study).

Heather Collins / [email protected]

Cassie Nixon / [email protected]

Come fellowship and grow in your faith with mission minded believers. We meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in Bay 1 of the Fellowship Hall on the 1st floor.

Pam Murphy / [email protected]

The WOW (Women of Worth) class is for any woman looking to learn the Bible and be supported by other women on your journey. We meet Sundays at 10am in room 204 on the 2nd floor.

Stephanie Roberts / [email protected]

The Young Adults class is perfect for those adults who are in their 20’s. We meet Sundays at 10am in room 201 on the 2nd floor.

Caleb Mejia / [email protected]

Hunter Adams / [email protected]

Off-Campus Groups

A small group for those who prefer a more intellectual Bible study. We meet every other Sunday at 5:30pm. Email us for more info!

Dennis & Gwen Brightman / [email protected]

A small group for those who serve through their musical and tech abilities. We meet Thursdays at 6pm. Email us for more info!

Tommy & Carrie Redd / [email protected]

A small group for those who want to read with the Pastor then meet for dinner and discussion. We meet quarterly. Email us for more info!

Pastor Lee Brewer / [email protected]

A small group for women 18+ to come and fellowship together. We meet Thursdays at 11:30am. Email us for more info!

Heather Collins / [email protected]

A small group for young adults. We meet Mondays at 7pm. Email us for more info!

Connor & Kylie Cody / [email protected]